Monday, December 28, 2020

Other Planets Heard From


I posted yesterday about the Christmas Day bomb in Nashville.  The news about this up until today has been relatively factual.  Sadly, that never lasts these days.  Every viewpoint and faction put their own spin on items when it suits them and this bombing if rife for spinnings both to the left and right.

A colleague of mine posted several screen shots of tweets and FB posts today on his FB story.  The point of them all can be summed up as “it is never called terrorism when a white person does it.”

Someone else I know and am quite close sent me a link from the Hal Turner Radio Show in which he makes a strong conjecture that the bombing was really a directed energy weapon attack.  He goes on to claim that the ATT Data Center is used by the NSA to monitor, and manipulate, election results.  As a result of this attack, the elections in the January 5th runoff elections in Georgia will be fairer.

There were a couple interesting ones gathered and reported in the Daily Beast in an article:  Conspiracy Theorists Race to Defend Nashville Bomber Anthony Quinn Warner.  One is that Warner was influenced and motivated by the conspiracy theories related to the 5G technology.  They also reported that: 

Moments after his name emerged in connection with the case, subscribers to the far-right QAnon conspiracy movement began flooding Twitter with absurd ideas, falsely claiming that Warner was an actor, partially because a different Anthony Quinn was a Hollywood star before dying in 2001. Other QAnon followers broke down his name to associate his initials with made-up clues, or to dissect parts of his name to display “Q WARN.”

Well, gee whiz.  There are certainly those looking for deeper and more nefarious reasons for this bombing.

Let me start with Hal Turner.  I had never heard of him.  Upon googling his name, the top search articles used words like far-right wing, white supremacist, Holocaust denier, and conspiracy propagator.  His theory here seems far-fetched.  He went to great lengths in the link that was forwarded to me to make it sound plausible (I am not providing the link because I believe it is bunk).  I can buy a fellow turning his RV into a bomb more than I this theory about the directed energy weapon.  There was no speculation as to who did this.  Could it possibly be a shadow deep state entity?  The Russians?  The Chinese?  The Borg?  But, this is how conspiracy theorists work:  they introduced doubt.  In the process of doing so, they create converts who then, believing they are armed with inside privileged information, spread the theory with gusto. 

What are the 5G theories?  This also is news to me.  It seems like the two most prevalent ones are the 5G accelerated the spread of Covid-19 and that 5G and that it is designed and used for mind control.  Maybe, I only think I am writing this bloggy bit whereas the deep state is directing to do it through mind
control.  I mean how could I ever know?

As for the “analysis” of the bomber’s name.  Really, they are talking about him being an actor because his first and middle name is Anthony Quinn?  Q Warn is a bit more subtle, but equally stupid in my view.

Lastly, I am not sure where the white man thing works in this.  Of course, being a white man, I am by definition incapable of being to analyze, dissect, and have any opinion on this.  Maybe, in this case, I am being directed by the shadow deep state or some other deeper eigen-state.  I ought to be having a migraine if all this is true. White men have committed, like, the overwhelming number of mass shootings and bombings in this country.  It must be a white privilege, systemic racism, that I am again incapable of seeing or understanding.  Should I be feeling some blame for this bombing in Nashville?  Should I Can’t it be both [1] terrorism and [2] committed by deranged and psychologically damaged white men?  These are not mutually exclusive categories.

I wanted a witty and insightful ending to include here… I drawing blanks.

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