Architectural Digest |
There is a problem that eventually, actually inevitably, surfaces when writing a blog post every day. Inevitably, there will be a day, like today, where I really don’t have a ready to go topic. So, why am I writing? Because I want to blog every day for the month of January and perhaps February as well. Of course, this requires having something to write about each and every day. And when I don’t, well, that a bit of a paradox.
In the past, when the topic well was dry, I have written several pieces with the word Potpourri in the title. To be more precise, I wrote eleven such pieces in the twelve years since I moved my e-letter project to this blog. A potpourri, per Oxford Languages, is:
- a mixture of dried petals and spices placed in a bowl or small sack to perfume clothing or a room.
- a mixture of things, especially a musical or literary medley.
The part of the definition that applies to what I am doing is “a mixture of things.” In my potpourri posts, I post a mixture of mini or even micro topics to craft a post of reasonable length. If pressed, I might even acknowledge that maybe there is a wee bit there might even be some metaphorical dried petals and spices to give a sweeter smell on a lame post.
Must every post be profound? Must every post tackle a deep or serious topic? Of course not. If, comedy came more naturally, I would certainly write more comedic pieces. They would be cleverly satirical and subtle. Or, they might be farcically facetious in an alliterative way to be sure. Critics would say, “he is he master of British humor without the accent.”
In scourging about the corners of my mind for topics today, I could only come up with well-worn topics like the pandemic or the dangerous absurdity that is American politics of late. I have written about these things recently. I think I have written about them too much. I value the tagline of my e-letter when I started it in February 2004 and is still on the masthead of my blog, “A Monthly Letter of Musings and Meanderings.” While the letters have given way to blog posts and the frequency is more frequent than monthly, it is the musings and meanderings part that is the theme of what I do. I do not write about one general topic. I muse. I meander. Sometimes, I write about nothing. Is this post about nothing? I think it a mix of musing and meandering with a dash of wandering which could be mistaken as nothing.
It appears
that I have successfully ended up with topic for today’s post. It might only minimally qualify as a topic. I am not sure I could even define what the
topic of this piece is in a simple succinct sentence. Maybe this is just a stream of consciousness stroll
in the park in search of topic and not even realizing that the stroll is in
fact the topic. Don’t even try to analyze
or interpret what I just wrote… it just isn’t worth the effort.
Well… in the end, this piece does not even qualify as a potpourri.
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