Monday, February 1, 2021

The 62nd Day


On December 1, 2020, two months ago, I began a December Challenge to write a blog post every day of that month.  I am proud to say I met my challenge.  It continued into January and with this post I can say I have posted in this blog 62 days in a row.

It was a great run.  I am happy with several posts and a few of them not so much. 

The most read post was a political one:  Inability to Concede.  This post led to others on election and politics these two months which were eventful in that regard.  In one way or another, I wrote about on this topic ten times.  I usual shy away from politics because when I do write about it, I bump heads with just about everyone.  The last one I wrote was on January 24th, Satire or Anger? You Tell Me.  It was a bit of a diatribe that got almost no comments on Facebook and only a few reads.  But it felt really good to write it and get some things off of my chest.

I wrote a couple of obituaries: Harry Minassian and Jim Begian.  They were well received.  I like to reflect on people that I like.  It does my soul good to do so.  The obituaries and reflections I have written about people that I know and admired are amongst my favorites.  I read them over now and then when I am remembering those that have passed.  I, sadly, have another to write in the next few days.  I imagine, simply due to my age, I will be doing more and more of these.

There were a few times during these two months when I struggled to find something to write and blog about.  The lowest point was when I wrote about fonts on December 22nd in a post titled Gotham.  With the approach of the Christmas Holiday, I was feeling the pangs of this pandemic and the isolation that would prevent me from seeing children and grandchildren over the holidays.  On that day, I was at a loss for things to write.  So, I blogged about an idea from another blog.  I knew I was going through the motions.  But, in reading it again today, it wasn’t all that bad.  Maybe these bloggy bits improve with a bit of aging.

Will I continue to post on a daily basis?  I thought I was done at the end of December, but I just kept it going during the month of January.  To be honest, the second month was easier than then the first.  Now, here at the end of this month, I am not sure.  I guess I will have to wait to see what tomorrow brings. 

I started sharing my writing in February 2004.  So, tomorrow begins the 18th year of this writing project.  It started off back then as a monthly e-letter and then turned into this blog in 2009.  It has been a great hobby and avocation for me. 

I actually started writing in 2002.  I wrote 500 words a day in a notebook.  I never shared the writing.  I was unsure of myself and overly worried about the opinion and reactions of folks that might read my work.  I was insecure and unsure.  My fears were unfounded, I just lacked confidence and faith in my own ability. 

Thank you all.

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