This is the
tenth year of writing this monthly letter. I
have written several health and fitness letters. I have not written one in two years. It is about time to do so again. The last few Health and Fitness letters have
been more aspiration than accomplishment.
The truth is that I was going in the wrong direction and simply have not
been motivated (could have easily used the word ashamed) to write one.
I am again headed in the right direction and, thus, am motivated to write another Health and Fitness Letter.
Obesity: This week it was announced by the American Medical Association that obesity is a disease. From the June 20 Los Angeles Times:
78 Million American adults are one-third of the population. In 1960, only 12% of American adults were obese. While the adult numbers are eye opening, the fact that 17% of children are obese is simply astonishing. In 1970, only 5% of US children were considered obese. The increase in obesity in this country has been exponential over the past fifty years. This problem has become epidemic. Not surprisingly, the increase in childhood obesity is a significant contributor to the increase in adult obesity.
The Los Angeles Times was right about one thing. There are indeed few easy fixes. Food abuse is like tobacco, drug or alcohol abuse in one way. All are difficult habits to change. Food is unique in another way. With tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, reform means stopping the substance abuse. It means never drinking, smoking, or using drugs again. No matter what, we still have to eat.
I am not so sure I agree with the other Los Angeles Times claim that obesity has many causes. I believe the exponential growth is fueled by one major factor: Processed Foods. The food companies employ an army of marketing professionals and food scientists. The role of the food scientists is to create really tasty foods at very economical prices. These foods get their taste from heavy doses of sugar, fat, or salt. In general they are unhealthy. Not only are they unhealthy and contribute to a variety of obesity ailments, they are addictive because of the havoc they play with our blood sugar levels. The highs make us feel good, the immediate lows make us want to each more to get the good feelings back. The job of the marketing folks is to entice us to consume more and more of these products each year. Like lab rats, we have done just that. I am as much of a lab rat as anyone.
OK. So what? We are fat. What is the big deal?
The big deal is our health. Being obese contributes to a variety of conditions that includes:
I am again headed in the right direction and, thus, am motivated to write another Health and Fitness Letter.
Obesity: This week it was announced by the American Medical Association that obesity is a disease. From the June 20 Los Angeles Times:
The American Medical Assn. voted Tuesday to declare obesity a disease, a move that effectively defines 78 million American adults and 12 million children as having a medical condition requiring treatment.
The nation's leading physicians’ organization took the vote after debating whether the action would do more to help affected patients get useful treatment or would further stigmatize a condition with many causes and few easy fixes.
78 Million American adults are one-third of the population. In 1960, only 12% of American adults were obese. While the adult numbers are eye opening, the fact that 17% of children are obese is simply astonishing. In 1970, only 5% of US children were considered obese. The increase in obesity in this country has been exponential over the past fifty years. This problem has become epidemic. Not surprisingly, the increase in childhood obesity is a significant contributor to the increase in adult obesity.
The Los Angeles Times was right about one thing. There are indeed few easy fixes. Food abuse is like tobacco, drug or alcohol abuse in one way. All are difficult habits to change. Food is unique in another way. With tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, reform means stopping the substance abuse. It means never drinking, smoking, or using drugs again. No matter what, we still have to eat.
I am not so sure I agree with the other Los Angeles Times claim that obesity has many causes. I believe the exponential growth is fueled by one major factor: Processed Foods. The food companies employ an army of marketing professionals and food scientists. The role of the food scientists is to create really tasty foods at very economical prices. These foods get their taste from heavy doses of sugar, fat, or salt. In general they are unhealthy. Not only are they unhealthy and contribute to a variety of obesity ailments, they are addictive because of the havoc they play with our blood sugar levels. The highs make us feel good, the immediate lows make us want to each more to get the good feelings back. The job of the marketing folks is to entice us to consume more and more of these products each year. Like lab rats, we have done just that. I am as much of a lab rat as anyone.
OK. So what? We are fat. What is the big deal?
The big deal is our health. Being obese contributes to a variety of conditions that includes:
- Stoke
- Heart disease
- Cancer
- Asthma
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Acid Reflux
- Sleep Apnea
- Infertility
- Back issues
- Knee and hip joint deterioration
Often times
these conditions will require surgery as in hip and knee replacement. Others such as diabetes, hypertension, and
heart disease necessitate prescription medications that must be taken for the
rest of the patients' lives. Consider the
- A Wake Forest University study has shown every pound we lose, we relieve four pounds of joint stress on our knees.
- Weight is a huge contributor to high blood pressure. Eating the right diet, exercising, and being at one’s target weight could eliminate the condition and the need for lifelong medication.
- For people with Type 2 Diabetes, a 5% weight loss can improve insulin action, decrease fasting blood glucose concentrations, and reduce the need for diabetes medications.
The worst kind
of fat is what is known as visceral fat.
All obese people have this kind of fat.
fat, on the other hand, lies out of reach, deep within the abdominal cavity,
where it pads the spaces between our abdominal organs. Visceral fat has been linked to metabolic
disturbances and increased risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
In women, it is also associated with breast cancer and the need for gallbladder
good news is that visceral fat yields fairly easily to exercise and diet, with
benefits ranging from lower blood pressure to more favorable cholesterol
levels. Subcutaneous fat located at the waist — the pinchable stuff — can be
frustratingly difficult to budge, but in normal-weight people, it’s generally
not considered as much of a health threat as visceral fat is.
Let’s see how
the insurance companies will react now that the AMA has classified obesity as a
disease. They should be encouraging all obese people to
seek treatment. Losing weight is much
less expensive than treating diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease later
4-1-13 |
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6-21-13 |
Weight Management: This has been a problem for me my entire
life. Given the statistics quoted above,
I am not alone in this. I have lost and
gained it back several times. Earlier
this year, I was most definitely on the high end of weight roller coaster.
Beginning April
1 of this year, I have been on a medically supervised meal replacement
diet. I eat two bars and drink five
shakes a day. Sometimes I eat three bars
and drink four shakes a day. Lately, I
have been putting some blueberries or strawberries in the shakes. This is an 800-900 calorie high protein
plan. The goal is to achieve a
reasonable body fat percentage and then learn and reinforce the habits to
maintain that weight and body fat level.
Clearly, in the photos above, I do not get the basics of weight loss marketing. I am supposed to look dour in the before photo and ecstatic in the after. Oh well...
Clearly, in the photos above, I do not get the basics of weight loss marketing. I am supposed to look dour in the before photo and ecstatic in the after. Oh well...
While this diet
has not been the most social diet (think weddings and dinner parties), it is
very effective. I am down 64 pounds as
of this writing an equal amount to go to achieve my objective. I have not been hungry either. There are days when I have to force down the
last shake of the day. While I have not
been hungry, I do crave certain bad foods.
For some reason, pizza tops the list by far.
When I began, I
was definitely obese based on my percent body fat and the threshold for obesity
given my age. I was delighted a few
weeks ago when I went from obese to merely overweight. I am looking forward to a day in the next
month or two when I leave behind the overweight class and enter the normal
range. I do not think I have been a
normal weight for the past thirty years.
I am doing this
for a variety of reasons. Certainly
health is one of them. I am also doing
this in honor of turning sixty on the very day I am posting this piece. I am doing this for me to be as healthy as
possible for as long as possible. It is
not about living as long as possible but as fully functional as I can be for as
long as possible. It is about not being
in a home or wheelchair for as long as possible.
A few weeks ago,
two of my musicians buddies were talking about me. One said "have you seen Gavoor lately,
he has lost a lot of weight." The
other fellow said, "yes, it is pretty amazing." The first then said, "he'll gain it all
back." I was not privy to this
conversation. it was reported to me NOT
by the one who said “he’ll gain it back.”
I imagine I could write a whole separate bloggy bit about the dynamics
at play here…
“He’ll gain it
back.” My friend did not really go out
on a ledge here. This is my track
record. This is my biggest fear. I am most worried about gaining it all back. I know that the real hard work will begin
when I get to my weight loss target. I
am purposely not calling my target weight loss my goal. When I do that I naturally ease up when I get
to that point My goal this time is to
get to my target body fat percentage and weight and then to maintain it for the
remainder of my life.
Failed diets are
very common. Again, I am not alone
here. I know many people, including
myself, who have lost weight and backslid right back to where they were... or
worse. I will say this. There is no worse feeling than doing
that. It makes motivating oneself for
the next weight loss all the more difficult.
It is a horrible cycle to repeat.
I never want to repeat this again.
People like me simply love food. I am very good at not only eating but
overeating. With gusto. It is, of course, not a desired trait. I did not need the AMA to tell me that
obesity is a disease. If alcoholism is a
disease which I believe it is, then my bad relationship with food is also
one. I have believed this to be true
simply because of my own struggles over the years. The losing takes a lot of fortitude and
willpower. After losing, maintenance
takes just as much fortitude and will power.
The habits developed and honed over a lifetime are very hard to change.
As stated above,
I have an addiction to over consumption that is every bit as nasty to overcome
as quitting for an alcoholic or a heavy cigarette smoker. It may actually be more difficult to overcome
food addiction or abuse. The smoker has
to stop smoking and the alcoholic has to stop drinking alcohol. But, the food abuser still has to eat to
sustain life.
So, I have been
thinking about maintenance the whole time I have been losing weight. I have come to one conclusion. Each of the other three times I have lost a
lot of weight, I have had the goal of losing a certain amount of weight. I would do that. I would achieve the goal and then ease
up. Easing up, at least for me is bad,
because it signals the beginning of a regression, regaining, or backsliding
depending on what you want to call it.
I have thus
decided to change the terminology I use.
Instead of having a weight loss goal, I now have a weight loss
target. I am calling this weight loss
period the Preparation Phase.
Preparation for what? Preparation
for the Maintenance Phase which begins when I get to my target weight. That is the real start of what I am trying to
do. The goal is to maintain my target
weight. This goal is perpetual.
This is a
different way of thinking. As I can
never achieve this goal, there can be no letting up. It is the relentless pursuit of an
ideal. It is the relentless pursuit of
perfection like the tagline for Lexus automobiles. Health and wellness must be a relentless
pursuit and commitment for me. There may
be a point where adopted lifestyle becomes the norm... but I will not allow
myself to believe I have achieved a goal.
The funny thing here is that I work in the field of continuous
I have to be successful because I never ever
want to have to do this again.
Exercise: Exercise is another key to a healthy lifestyle. Diet alone is not enough. We have to exercise because our work is not
what work used to be. We are
sedentary. I am sedentary. I spend most of my day in a chair or
lecturing. I suppose if I were working
in the fields in some kind of agrarian ideal, I would not have to exercise.
My exercise of
choice is bicycling. Three out of the
last four years I managed, even at an elevated weight, to log 2,000 outdoor
miles. This year, because of the very
late spring and work, I am off to a slow start.
I will be lucky to break 1,500 miles this year.
I have a small
fleet of five bicycles. Mostly I ride a
used Schwinn Paramount that I bought a few years ago. I like it more and go faster on it than my
custom made Italian Mondonico for which I paid five times as much! My red
Schwinn has a hodge-podge of older Shimano components on it whereas I have a
full Campagnolo Veloce kit on my Mondonico.
My Schwinn Paramount |
I have read and
am reading again a very good book, Younger
Next Year by Crowley and Lodge. The
sub-title is A Guide to Living like 50 Until
You’re 80 and Beyond. It is geared
toward men, very well written, and informative.
The authors point out that aerobic exercise is necessary for heart and
lung health. It builds endurance in the
muscles. The authors point out that
muscles have both strength (fast twitch) and endurance cells (slow twitch). So, strength training is needed to maintain the
strength cells. Strength and balance
training is even better. We forget or
simply have never realized how complicated the very act of walking or taking
stairs can be from musculoskeletal perspective.
The physics and chemistry of such simple acts is astounding. Balance and strength will deteriorate with
age… we may see it in ourselves and we certainly see it in others. Weight training and aerobic exercise improves
our general overall performance. Even those
of us with osteoarthritis, can benefit from weight training. Keeping ones muscles sound and fit for
strength and endurance helps do the work of joints and prolongs their lives.
Given the
minimal amount of cartilage left in my knees, I am counting on weight loss and strength
training to stave off the knee replacement for as long as possible.
Turning 60: We make a huge deal of birthdays that end in
zero. Why not? They are milestones that should be noted and celebrated. On the other hand, it is just another day in
another year. Our aging is gradual for
the most part.
I read that 60
is the new 40 or 50, maybe a delusional 30.
That may be. I remember my
grandparents at 50 seemed ancient. They
looked and acted old. Hair color and
fashion has done wonders for this perception.
I do not know
what 60 means these days. Is it the new
40 or the old 70. I do not care. That is just rationalization for
something. I know that I do not plan to
color my hair… or what little is left of it.
I will shave my head before doing that and I am not likely to shave my
head even though my hair cuts are getting shorter.
I know I will
try to live with as much physical and intellectual vim and vigor I can
muster. I know I am committed to
maintain the body and mind to be able to do just this.
Perceptions and
priorities change with age, hopefully for the better. I will close with two
copy pastes from Facebook:
First is a quote from Friedrich Nietzsche, “We
love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving.”
If we truly desire to age gracefully, it
is more than just physical health and fitness.
Loving people close to us more will help us age gracefully mentally and
Secondly, a ten step guide that can basically
be summed up with the word “chill.”
to Zen
From the Facebook page Buddha Heart
- Let go of comparing.
- Let go of competing.
- Let go of judgments.
- Let go of anger.
- Let go of regrets.
- Let go of worrying.
- Let go of blame.
- Let go of guilt.
- Let go of fear.
- Have a proper belly laugh at least once a day (especially if it’s about your inability to let go of any or all of the above).
You look wonderful Mark. I hope you feel wonderful too. Love yourself, take care of yourself. Life is good.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the weight loss, and for lifting weights so that you lose fat and not muscle. My brother and I ride recumbent trikes every day we can. Not many people have seen such a trike; imagine a Lazy Boy with pedals. A lady said, "That looks like cheating." Well, if using your common sense is cheating. My weight is spread out across a comfortable seat, unlike other bikes which provide a hard saddle to sit on, There is no weight bearing on my wrists either. I don't criticize anyone who rides, but my trike is the best exercise device I have ever bought. And probably the best investment I ever made. I am following the Primal Blueprint, which includes a lo-carb, moderate protein, and high fat diet. The Plan encourages 3 to 5 hours a week of moderate exercise, at 50 to 70% of max. heart rate, and brief intense weight lifting. (Like once a week of lifting for 20 minutes.) It has worked for my brother, down 25 pounds, and me, down 20 pounds. We feel great.