love heroes. We need heroes. We adore them. We embellish their personalities and feats to
fit the image that we crave from our heroes.
was fascinated with heroes. I think I
developed this fascination from my Mother.
We lived in Detroit and we were Ford people. My Grandfather Levon came to Detroit with
other Armenians to work in one of Henry Ford’s factory. Henry Ford took on mythic proportions with many
Detroiters and certainly in our family.
Henry Ford was friends with Thomas Edison and Harvey Firestone. He and Edison both had roots in the state of
Michigan. I remember watching Young Tom Edison starring Mickey Rooney
and Edison the Man with Spencer
Tracey with my Mom. Sportswise, we had
Al Kaline on the Tigers and Gordie Howe with the Red Wings. It was easy to be fascinated with heroes
growing up in Detroit.
Ford or maybe because of the fascination with him, I used to read biographies about
great scientists, generals, and sportsmen.
I would go to the library check out books about Babe Ruth, Jim Thorpe,
Alexander Graham Bell, Lou Gehrig, Winston Churchill, Ludwig Van Beethoven,
George Armstrong Custer, Douglas MacArthur, Knute Rockne, Abraham Lincoln, Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart, and, of course, Henry Ford and Thomas Edison. I watched biographic movies of these same
luminaries. I was very interested in how
they grew up and how they achieved their fame and what they did to overcame
biographies I read as a boy were simple.
They were great stories of what made the heroes special. These biographies celebrated what made them
special as they were growing up and what made them famous and well known in their
adult lives. In these biographies
written for young people, the spin was mostly good and noble. In my teens, I began to read more
sophisticated biographies and histories.
I began to see these heroes more as people. I saw both their merits and their flaws.
never paid much attention to celebrities that hadn’t somehow done something
heroic. This included movie stars,
musicians, and fine artists. In writing
this, I am thinking now that it is a matter of taste as much as anything else. I suppose it is ingrained somehow in
creativity and contribution.
month there were three sports heroes that were in the news. They were all portrayed as heroes by the
media. In news that broke this month,
two of them fell from grace. They were Manti
Te’o and Lance Armstrong. The third was
Stan Musiel who passed away January 20th: he was all about grace, class, and style.
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Courtesy of Armene' |
Say it ain’t so Te’o: Wow. Unbelievable.
Bizarre. There are the reactions
that most people had to the very strange Manti Te'o story that broke this month.
Te'o is, of course, the Notre Dame linebacker who won several awards including
the Outland and Butkus trophies. He
finished second in the Heisman Trophy balloting. Manti Te'o was a good linebacker and huge
motivator of his Notre Dame team. He is
one of the reasons that Notre Dame was undefeated in the regular season and
played in the BCS National Championship Game.
people became fans of Te'o and were pulling for him to win the Heisman. Fans did this because of the heart
wrenching story that unfolded in week three of the season. On September 11th, his grandmother passed
away in his home state of Hawaii. Six
hours after hearing of the passing his grandmother, his girlfriend (and I swear
that I heard of read that she was his fiancé) succumbed to leukemia. His girlfriend, from her deathbed, made Te'o
promise not to leave his team to attend her funeral. She wanted him to play in her memory. It is something she really wanted and
something that Te'o honored. It was
emotional. Again, the words wow and unbelievable
were uttered by most. This kind of story
and Manti’s performance in that game and the remainder of the season added to
the Notre Dame lore. They beat the
Michigan State Spartans 13-6. The
commentators made a big deal of it. The
camera always seemed to focus in on Te'o who always looked emotional hurt yet
resolved, looking to the heavens, or kneeling almost in prayer after a big
play. Coach Kelly awarded the game ball to Manti after the game. It was very emotional in both a gut wrenching
and legendary way.
remember thinking two things when I heard about the two losses in one day. First, like everyone else, I thought how
awful this was. My heart went out to
Te'o. Second, I thought what a great
inspiring story that Notre Dame lore and legend is made of. I also thought that if he were to have a very
good season, which he did, he might with the Heisman because of this.
we all know now, the girlfriend, Lennay Kekua, simply did not exist. It was a hoax. The hoax took in sport fans,
broadcasters, and reporters alike. The
story of the hoax broke on January 16 on deadspin.com. The lead reporters for the story were Jack Dickey
and Tim Burke. When the story broke it
was all over twitter, facebook, and other news and social media outlets. The only comment from Te'o was a tweet that
said he was the victim of a hoax. The
Notre Dame AD gave a press conference in the evening in which he said that he
and University totally support, believed Te'o, and believed Te'o was innocent
and a victim.
has become a wild and crazy story. What
really happened? The reporters are now
starting to dig. The truth is slowly
coming out. I do not believe Te'o hands
are clean here. There seems to be too
many contradictions in what he has said earlier and the stance he seems to be
taking now.
Te'o is innocent and a victim, he comes off looking like the most naive person
ever or just a plain moron. This is the
best scenario I see for him at this point.
Anything else, he ends up bearing some guilt and comes off as a liar and
it turns out, it was a hoax and he was a victim. The hoax was quite sophisticated and it seems
that one could have easily been taken in.
But, to call someone you never met your girlfriend? That is not a girlfriend, it is a pen pal. So at minimum, he is embarrassingly naïve.
allowed everyone to assume that it was a real, normal, relationship. You all know the kind. It is where the couple goes to the movies,
catches a bite to eat before or after, hold hands, etc. I am sorry you cannot have a girlfriend that
you never ever met.
is undoubtedly, in my mind, a component of complicity. He may have been duped at the onset, but I
believe he used the story to propel his stature and newsworthiness. Early on in the reporting of this story, and
less so now, Manti’s teammates were quoted as saying that he liked the
attention and he went with story. Heck, it
almost got him the Heisman trophy.
whole thing still smells awfully fishy to me and Manti is a fallen hero.
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from Pilotfire.com |
Liar Armstrong:
While the Te'o story was unfolding another long standing sport story was
coming to closure as well. Cycling's
greatest athlete, Lance Armstrong, was coming clean and admitting to the world
that he used performance enhancing drugs during each and every one of his Tour
de France wins.
had bought and read both of Lance's books.
I wrote and blogged about him in the most terms (my July
2005 Letter being the substantive of the blogs that referenced Lance). His overcoming cancer was an incredible story. His achievements were afterwards was even impressive.
He was an inspiration to all cancer patients, all cancer survivors, and
cyclists of every level all over the world.
He was an inspiration to me. I
rode my longest rides, most rides per year, and most miles per year when he was
at his peak.
were always people, on the fringes, that were writing and suggesting that he
was doping and using performance enhancement drugs. He would steadfastly and vehemently deny
every such allegation. His argument was
simple and sensible. As a cancer
survivor, he would never use any substance that might affect his health. As a cancer survivor, he treasured his health
too much. He would, per his own words,
in the Oprah interview, bully anyone who accused him of doing what he has now
admitted to. He bullied them well for
several years.
Armstrong’s achievements were truly unbelievable. The operative word here is unbelievable. Many people bought into his story because we
wanted a superman. We needed a hero. I wanted a hero like Lance. He overcame cancer and won the Tour de France
a record number of times. What a feel
good story. What an inspiration to us
a liar. What a con artist. What a fool
he made out of us. What a fool he made
of me.
watched the Oprah interviews. He
admitted, nonchalantly, his wrong doings.
I did not detect much remorse. He
seemed matter of fact, going through the motions. I thought he might even write another
book: Mea Culpa and What I Learned or maybe Mea Culpa and I don’t Care.
I probably will not buy nor read that or anything else Lance Armstrong
has ghostwritten for him.
in all, I am not devastated. I am not
even really mad at him. I am a little
disappointed in myself for not being more skeptical and questioning about his
absolute dominance in cycling including competitors that did dope their blood
and use performance enhancing drugs.
Armstrong was a hero to me and many others.
Manti Te'o was not a quite a hero to me, as he was for so many others,
but I did admired him, his accomplishments, how he overcame adversity, and how
he inspired and led his team. Are their
egos that unbelievably huge that they will do whatever they can to win? And what were they really trying to win? It seems fame and notoriety at whatever cost?
understand having a competitive spirit and a desire to win. But, the ends do not justify the means. This
is a message that we learn very young.
People cannot simply do anything they feel like simply to win. At that point it is not a desire to win; it
is more an obsession with fame, ego, and fortune. That is all.
Lance Armstrong lies, cheats, and bullies others for fame, ego, and
fortune. No matter if Manti Te'o was
duped up front or not. He used the ruse to
almost win himself a Heisman Trophy. He
too was motivated by fame, ego, and fortune.
Both athletes were addicted to an adoring public and basically lied and
cheated. There is nothing pure about
sport when so much fame and fortune intertwined. Undetected corruption is rewarded and the
lure to behave in such a manner, given the fame and fortune, simply overwhelms
is worse, probably Armstrong but it does not matter. It was a crappy couple of
days in the sporting world.
Stanley Frank Musial (1920 – 2013) was from
another era and another cut of cloth then either Armstrong or Te’o. Stan Musial played baseball for the St. Louis
Cardinals. He did so for 22 seasons. Contrary to the free agent world today, he
played with just one team. Also contrary
to what the celebrity style heroes of today do, he married once, to Lillian,
and stayed married for 72 years until she passed away last year.
Musial was a favorite son of Donora, PA but even more so of St. Louis. He was a great player and hitter. He had many
accolades and everyone agrees that if he had played for the Yankees instead of
in St. Louis, he would be regarded with Ruth, Gehrig, Mantle, and DiMaggio.
Bob Costas eulogized Stan Musial and said:
What was the hook with Stan Musial other than the distinctive stance and the role of one of baseball's best hitters? It seems that all Stan had going for him was more than two decades of sustained excellence as a ballplayer and more than nine decades as a thoroughly decent human being. Where is the single person to truthfully say a bad word about him?
A St. Louis fan summed it up
He's been a hero to us for four generations. He was such a good man, somebody you can hold up to grand-kids and your own kids as an example of who they should be.
The above quotes were from Huffington Post - Musial. You can also watch the moving Bob Costas
eulogy on this site.
Stan Musial only made
$100,000/year twice in 1958 and 1959. In
each of his other years he made less. He
made much less than Lance Armstrong and whatever Manti Te’o will eventually
make. Stan Musial got the fame. He achieved his fame through his pure
dedication and performance. His true fortune
was the mark he made on everyone that ever knew him.
I could write much more on what
made Stan “The Man” Musial so special.
Rather, watch the Costas eulogy or simply read the wonderful piece in
Forbes by Ken Makovsky: My
'Thing' for Stan Musial.
I would take one Stan Musial over
ten Lance Armstrongs and Manti Te’os any day.
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