I like
writing this letter the most of any of the monthly offerings. It is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on
how I came to write this letter. I get
to comment how it has evolved, expanded, and where it might be going.
this is the 8th Anniversary of this letter that began in February
2004, June 24th will mark the 10th Anniversary of my
writing 500 words or more per day. It
began as all handwriting and for two years, I did not share anything that I
wrote. I kept at because it helped me to
think more clearly. It helped me
remember ideas, thoughts, and philosophical questions that had been idle and
stale in the dark corners of my mind.
I used
to hate to write. In high school and
college, trying to piece together a 500 word essay was tortuous to say the
least. I was not good at it and the
grades reflected it. Yet, for some reason, I envisioned myself as a
writer. It really did not make any sense
but the vision never left me. It just
kept growing.
It was
not like I had a lot of encouragement either.
No teachers ever raved about my writing.
The few articles I published in the school and then Armenian papers were
received somewhere between lukewarm and warm.
writing these lines, the name Dorothy Trosko, popped into my mind. She taught English Composition in my senior
year at Stevenson High School in Livonia, MI.
She had a tough reputation and I was apprehensive taking her class. I do not believe I ever got more than a B in
any of her assignments. It was quite
frustrating. I tried harder to no
avail. I do believe she taught me how to
write a paragraph. No other English
teacher stands out in my memory.
Perhaps, that is where the seed of all this was planted.
Over the
years, I keep visioning and envisioning myself as a writer. I simply did not write a lot or write
regularly until 2002. As mentioned
above, when I did write, it was not the most pleasant of experiences. It was tough grinding work. Now, it is almost the exact opposite.

Handwriting versus typing: When I began, I
hand wrote every daily page. I liked to
use fine ball point pens. In 2011, I do
not think I hand wrote more than twenty days of my daily writing regimen. This past half of the year, I probably did
most of my daily writing on my iPad and the Zaag keyboard. It is very convenient and has taken the place
of the old fashioned notebook in which I used to take notes and handwrite my daily
journal. Since I bought the iPad in
July, most every personal and business blog posting were drafted on my iPad in
Apple’s word processing application:
Pages. When I was thinking about
publishing the postings, I would email them to myself from the iPad. I would open the documents on my laptop and
finish the final edits in MS Word for my monthly letter or Google Docs for just
about every other blog post.
I am
amazed that I am still writing 500 words a day going on ten years. I am even more amazed at how the mechanics
of writing has evolved over the past three years with the rise of the good
cloud based software like Google Docs and the simply wonderful iPad. I am sure it will change more in the next two
perhaps even more dramatically.
Where do you get the time? I hear this
question a fair amount of time. Often it
is from people that write and have a sense of the amount of effort that goes
into penning such a letter. My cousin
Raffi Hovannisian recently asked me this question when he was in Chicago earlier
this month. It was a funny question
coming from Raffi who amazes me with his busy schedule. I wonder where he gets the time and energy
running the Heritage Party in our Motherland of Armenia.
answer to this question is pretty straight forward. I spend anywhere from a half hour to an hour
a day writing. The blog postings and
this letter are the fruits of that labor.
Depending on the topic and how, as they say, the juices are flowing, the
daily writing could take 90 minutes. It
has taken as little as 15 minutes. I
wish I could get it all down to 15 minutes a day. I would immediately begin writing 1,000 words
a day if that were the case.
A new
biography has come out about Charles Dickens by Claire Tomalin. I did not buy the book but was amazed by a
review I read in Time magazine. By all
accounts and measure, Dickens was prolific.
He wrote at least 35 major novels, 1 play, at least 4 non-fiction books,
and many short stories. What blew me
away was that when he was into it, and he often was into it, he would write two
novels at a time and drive himself to write 7,500 words a day. He would handwrite 7,500 words a day! He would handwrite 7,500 words a day using a
pen he had to dip into an ink well!!
He would
start a new novel when he was half way through with another. He was so driven that he would immerse his
hands into a bucket of cold water to alleviate cramping and other pains that
would naturally come from writing so much.
For example, he wrote The Pickwick Papers and Oliver Twist at the same
time. When he finished The Pickwick
Papers, he began on Nicholas Nickleby.
At 1,000
words an hour, Dickens was writing for a full 8 hour day. 1,000 words an hour is an amazing clip. If it took him an hour and a half, that would
have made for a twelve hour day.
and Gentleman, I am no Charles Dickens… neither in quality nor in output. I would love to be.
Writing in the Internet Age: I love this
time. I can sit at my desk, in a coffee
shop, or in my easy chair. I can be
writing on either my laptop or iPad in any of these locations. I can only imagine how productive Charles
Dickens would be today with all the technology we have. He would have definitely saved time on drafts
and re-writes.
I really
covered this in my November
2011 letter, The Internet Really
Makes it all Easier. I can be
sitting and writing in any of aforementioned venues and if I need a quote or
need to verify a fact I simply hit the internet. A little Google search and, voila, the
question is answered. I do not have to
get up and consult an encyclopedia or go to the library. What can I say, I am made to write in these
Case in
point, I could not remember the author of the Dickens biography that was
published in late in 2011. A simple
search of the internet and I had the name Clare Tomalin. How can I not love this capability?
Who reads what: In 2011, I wrote two
blog pieces that attracted more attention than anything I had ever
written. Note that nothing I have
written has remotely come anywhere near going viral.
In May,
I wrote a piece called The
Rapture - May 21, 2011. I posted
the piece on May 20th. I was
surprised when I looked at the blog statistics on Sunday May 21, the day the
world was supposed to end, that almost 200 people had read my little
piece. That was the greatest number of
hits my blog ever got on one day. I had
been averaging 25-50 hits per day. I did
not think it was my greatest posting but it was certainly timely and for once I
wrote it just before the event. Usually
I am writing about something that has already happened. This was more upfront and proactive. There is a lesson in here.
October, I wrote a piece The
Detroit Lions. It was basically
my reaction to the professional football team of my home town. They had been unbelievably dismal all of my
life as a sports fan. This past season they
became less dismal. I wrote it while
watching Monday Night Football and seeing the Lions easily beat the Chicago
Bears. This single posting took off like
a rocket. It became the all time most
read posting in October and continued on through today being the most read
piece on a daily basis. As of February
22 just before midnight, this page has had 4.525 hits. I was amazed by the power of sports. In May, I wrote about the The
University of Michigan Hockey Team.
In September, I wrote about Michigan Football in when they beat Notre
Dame for the second year in a row. If I
were interested in traffic, I might simply focus on sports.
The next
closest piece was the Rapture posting but no more. In May I wrote one on the assassination
attempt on the famous singer Ibrahim Tatlises from Turkey. This posting Sweet Voice Sweet Voice
is currently in second place with 617
page views.
these top two posts, The Detroit Lions and Sweet Voice, almost all of the
traffic comes to my blog from image searches.
I have images of both the Detroit Lions logo and Ibrahim Tatlises from
the 1980s in these postings. People are
searching for images and get directed to my blog pages. Cool.
If I were interested in generating traffic, I might simply use photos of
hot sports teams and celebrities.
I wrote
other pieces I was quite proud of this past year. Oddly, my liking something I wrote does not
necessarily correlate to others liking it.
In January I wrote one called STFU!
It is basically a rant against anyone
and everyone who feels the need to preach to me how I should think, what I
ought to be doing, or who I should have voted for… or not voted for. I felt great writing that piece. It was a great catharsis. It resonated with several of you. Neither my wife nor mother appreciated the use
of the “F” word.
I wrote
a piece, Hokehankist,
in July. It was a reflection on the
Repose of the Soul service in the Armenian Church. It is the part of the Armenian Liturgy that
impacts me the most. A lot of people
wrote personal notes telling me how much they related to that posting.
bottom line is that I cannot predict what people will like. Things I thought were sure fire hits were
received lukewarmly. Pieces I have that
of as lukewarm, were very warmly received and resulting a surprising output of
sentiment. I am not trying to do this to
gain readership or a following. At this
point, it is something I just do. I do it
every day. To the statistician in me, it
is curious to see what I like versus what resonates with people.
I have
read many times that writers have to write.
I have trained myself over these past ten years to do just that. I have to write. The topics are varied and
come from the news and ideas or notions that come from the recesses of my
mind. Many a night, I am writing just
before I turn in. I have to do it and
will not go to bed before completing this daily regimen.
Tom Vartabedian: I have a
friend, supporter, and mentor. Tom
Vartabedian is a wonderful man. He is
personable and easy going. Tom truly
sees the glass as half full. His
enthusiasm and energy is contagious.
From his last name, Tom is clearly Armenian and he takes his heritage
seriously. Tom by profession is a
journalist and photographer. Born and
raised in Massachusetts, he spent 40 years with the Haverhill Gazette. He is retired but as busy and prolific as any
retired journalist could be. If you meet
him you might easily underestimate his age by a good fifteen years.
believe Tom held editorial positions at the Haverhill Gazette. I cannot comment directly on his managerial
and editorial skills, but I am sure he was very good at it. I can almost say for certain, regarding his
profession, Tom first love is to cover good stories and write about them. This is how I know Tom. He has a long standing relationship with The Armenian Weekly where he regularly
pens a column called Poor Tom's Almanac and does feature stories. I have been reading Tom's work for years and
venture to say he has been a contributor to the Weekly for at least 40 years.
I am a long term reader of his and have become his friend in the past
fifteen years.
In that
time, perhaps longer, Tom has taken to covering the Armenian Youth Federation
Annual Olympics Games. These games that
include swimming, track and field, and tennis take place every Labor Day
weekend. Tom has taken most of the
photos and written most of the articles for The Armenian Weekly's Annual Olympics Special issue. People cannot wait to get that issue and that
is primarily because of Tom. He is
everywhere the whole weekend with his notepad, pen, and camera. He is interviewing and taking pictures. Then voila after a few weeks, the special
issue comes out and it is always a masterpiece.
past year Tom was recuperating from heart bypass surgery. Tom arranged for three of us to do what he
used to do by himself. We barely made got
it done and the issue was two weeks late!
That is how organized and prolific Tom is. Three of us could not replace him.
January 12 of this year, The Armenian
Weekly published a vintage Tom Vartabedian article on Cher. Take a read of it and see why I love to read
Tom's work: The
Armenian Side of Cher.
Thanks: I would like to thank everyone
who has been so supportive of my writing over the past year. The aforementioned, Tommy
Vartabedian, a great newspaperman, is first and foremost on this list. He
is always encouraging and always complimentary. His support means a great deal
to me.
I thank
my son, Aram, for his editorial contributions. Judy for her general support.
I thank Mark Axelrod, Marty Shoushanian, Dale Dvorak, Ruth Swisher, Nadya
Uygun, David Gavoor, and Greg Postian for commenting on and acknowledging many
if not every letter I send out.
to Ara Topouzian for not writing and giving me grief for not mentioning or
thanking him. This reference should keep
him quiet for another month.
to Raffi Bandazian and Ara Surenian for encouraging me to move things to a
blog. Special thanks to Marilyn Zavidow, my Westport, CT to Grand Central
train buddy, who was a great collaborator in the planning of the letter and
actually came up with the name This Side of Fifty.
As I do
every year, I like to remember the man I never met, Aram Kevorkian, whose own monthly
letters inspired my to write this monthly letter to friends and family.