Sunday, January 7, 2018

A Manifesto?

     I am on a flight from Los Angeles to Chicago. I am doing my doing my writing on the plane connected to WiFi that I glad paid an unreasonable $16 for. It is January 7th, and I have written every day this year thus far even though this my fifth post of the year. I am happy with that and committed to continue writing everyday with the cautious optimism of of someone trying to replace a bad habit with a good one.
     I have even written a haiku every day. The only one I kind of like is:

this fresh page, less blank,
full of some kind of thinking
fragrance or reeking?
     We are heading back to a less cold Chicago than we left eight short days ago. The plane will actually land in the very wee hours of Monday, January 8th. No time to rest though. I will be off to Detroit to visit my parents and participate in a business meeting or two. I
     I was set with all all this technology including my slender smaller screen Macbook on the tray table with Wonder Woman playing on the seat back screen just above it. I was pretty comfortable. Then I realized I was at the geometric limit of that comfort when the WWII veteran in the seat in front of me reclined his seat. I can only imagine how comical I now look.
     Despite this rambling preamble, I had a notion to write a manifesto of sorts tonight. I have always wanted to write a manifesto. I like the sound of a manifesto and the idea having my own. It has to be rooted The Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx. It is the only manifesto I really know about.  Growing up in the dregs of the Cold War, I was compelled to read The Communist Manifesto since it was the philosophical cornerstone of our then national enemy. In reading it, I was surprised that it actually made sense to me.  Over time I realized that the USSR had usurped the utopian vision of Marx. Reading it made me want to write a Manifesto even more.
     In the resurrection of this notion to pen a manifesto, I have yet another chance to show how naïve I am and how much more I have to learn.  I, laughingly, hereby admit that I am not exactly sure what a manifesto is and, golly gee whiz, I ought to before ever attempting to write one. 
     So, I turned to the internet. I read a few defintions and liked this one from “a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer.”
     Thankfully, that is, in fact, what I kind of thought a manifesto was but just never articulated. In a sense, this blog, at times, is a manifesto. Perhaps, I am in the habit of writing it but not quite ready to edit and consolidate it just yet.
     It makes me realize that I need to focus my darling writing by have a clear vision of th book or books I want to write and then preparing outlines that would guide my daily writing.  One of those books is the Manifesto I think is in me.


  1. Do Manifestos manifest themselves in the person who manifests his/her manifesto? Just wondering.

    1. An excellent question though I am less likely to practice what I preach :)
